My beautiful friend Louise deSalvo, always brilliant, always inspiring.

Writingalife's Blog

I’ve noticed that if my writing isn’t going as well as I’d like it to, even though I know that it’s part of the process to have rough patches, I tend to work more rather than less, as if by “worrying” the work I’ll have that breakthrough that I need to move the work along.

And that’s the worst thing I can do. If, instead, I step back from the work, take some time to myself to do something enjoyable, I return to the work refreshed, and I’ve sometimes figured out what needs doing without working at all.

I’ve often had a conference with a student writer lamenting the fact that her/his work had hit a rough patch. I’d always suggest that they leave the college and take a walk in Central Park before their next class, no matter how much work they had to do, no matter how it…

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More beautiful words from Melissa — and gorgeous silk necklaces from Cambodia, too!

Girl Meets World

A few nights ago, I dreamt about Cambodia.  In the dream, it was my last day working at Green International School, and I was spending it with my kids and coworkers.  Then, I was struck with a sense of panic: I did not, could not, leave, I was not ready to move home.  Dream-me planned to immediately cancel my flight, apologize to my parents, and stay.  I woke up, feeling panicked and teary, only to realize a few moments later than I am home.  And I’m (mostly) happy about it.

But some days (today, my dream day, and many others,) I miss it like crazy.  I miss my students, and teaching in general.  I miss watching them learn and improve.  The little things, like a student writing “cat” on their own, or drawing a picture of a flower complete with seeds, roots and a bumblebee for pollination was incredibly fulfilling…

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Dear Friends & Fellow Walkers,

I’m on my way to Cambodia soon, where I’ll be walking &  cycling every day, visiting two shelters that are home to 114 formerly trafficked Khmer girls as well as the  orphanage and schools where the nation’s youngest and most vulnerable are living, learning and growing with help from our daughter and from everyone who’s supported our cause for liberty, justice and freedom for all.

Some of what we’ll see and share will be difficult to read about.  But as we know, even in the face of sadness and grief there’s always hope and joy in our world, and we owe it to ourselves and to the memory of those who are gone to look for that joy and celebrate it.  Ending suffering where and when we can is part of being human, and I believe it is an important reaction to the events in Connecticut last week.   For  years now I’ve found myself returning to the Prayer of St. Francis whenever I am challenged by life, and today it feels particularly relevant:

Outside Newtown High School

Outside Newtown High School

Where there is hatred let me sow love.  Where there is injury, pardon.  Where there is doubt, faith.  Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where  there is sadness, joy. 

My daughter Melissa tells me that the Khmer are beautiful people who are grateful for even the smallest acts of kindness and generosity.  When I visit their small country I’ll be posting photos, insights, and reflection on what we see, learn and do.  I hope you’ll join me on My Second Big Walk, and share your own stories of joy, learning, and adventuring.

See you in the New Year!

(P.S. This picture was taken on our last day in Austria, July 2012.  Yes, friends, I’ve been living, loving Image

adventuring and writing.  I hope you’ll welcome me back and share your own journeys in life!  In the photo are, from left: my nephew Jack Albanese, my mother-in-law Rosemarie Helm, my son John Albanese, my husband Frank, me, my daughter Melissa Albanese, and our fabulous host in Medraz, Austria — Peter Fischlechner.

Christmas in Cambodia is simple joys, books & toys. This year, more than ever, we owe it to ourselves to spread happiness to children in every corner of the world.

Girl Meets World

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas… in a very weird way.  Bustling streets have lights on the palm trees, and shops play christmas tracks all day. Even my 6 year-old, ESL, predominantly Buddhist munchkins know the words to “Jingle Bells.”

I sort of got to play the role of Santa this past week (sans the beard and belly, fortunately.)  My grandmother, Roro, sent money for me to buy books and other supplies for the kids at SSD orphanage. Its incredible how much $50 was able to buy! Books, books, books, as well as crayons, coloring books and color-your-own animal masks, which were an instant hit. I sat with them and read them The Little Mermaid while they colored. Check out the pictures I posted below!

It was so heartwarming how thankful they were for these gifts – gifts that would be overshadowed by expensive, hi-tech gadgets back in…

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